"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." 2 Timothy 2:20-21
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Report from Arkansas~
Last night we met with all of relatives (except for Barry), at a restaurant called 'Western Sizzlin' (definitely a Arkansas name!!). We had a great time visiting, laughing (we always do), filling our selves to the full on the yummy food. We met around 7:30pm, and ate, then went to Uncle Paul & Aunt Loretta's house. We were there till about 11pm. We talked, we laughed, we played games. It was fun.
We are planning on going to church here in Jonesboro, with all the clan. Afterwards we'll go out to eat, or to one of the houses.
We've tried to upload so pictures, but it hasn't worked for us. If we do figure it out, we'll definitely post some.
Have a good Sabbath,
P.S. Grandma (Kautt), Grandma (McKnight), Joel & Abby all say "Hi".
Saturday, August 30, 2008
We're here in Caddo Valley!!
We got here around 1:00am after a good drive here. We've had a good trip so far (if you call 5 hours of sleep, good!), and the LORD has protected us.
You can keep praying for the LORD to protect us while we are traveling.
Signing off,
Phoebe (for Joel, Abby & Grandma!)
We'll probably be able to post some more about our trip later on when we get to the hotel in Jonsboro. ~
Friday, August 29, 2008
Take care & happy Labor Day weekend everybody!
Happy 13th Birthday Phoebe!!
We had a very busy day with several other events besides her birthday taking place. We celebrated her special day with a luncheon and dessert.
Hopefully I can post the pictures we took of the special occasions yesterday. For now though, Phoebe I love you & I'm SO glad that we are sisters and friends too! :)
Love you always,
Mary Ellen Hall remembered~
Ralph Hall's wife of 60 years, Mary Ellen passed away on Thursday, August 28, 2008.
Congressman Hall was with her during this time and as most of you are aware, Mary Ellen had suffered a very long debilitating illness.
Tentative arrangements have been made for Friday Aug. 29 at the Methodist Church in Rockwall. I will forward the final arrangements as soon as I can confirm the times and address.
Congressman Hall has appreciated all of your prayers for both him and Mary Ellen. And I'm sure would appreciate your continued prayers on his and his family's behalf during this time of sadness and loss.
~AbbyThursday, August 28, 2008
Trip to Arkansas: Caleb's Perspective (Part 1: August 11, 2008)
Several of you have inquired of us about our recent trip to Arkansas. Well, below is my perspective of how this trip went.
Oh, and Mr. Amos, thanks for being patient with me. Yes, I know. It has already been 3 weeks (!!!) since we returned from Arkansas to the day (8/28/2008).
{Happy Birthday, Phoebe! May God bless you on your special day! We love you and are amazed to see how the Lord has been molding you into a godly young lady, and is giving you a greater desire to become a Proverbs 31 Woman more and more (See Proverbs 31:10-31)! Sincerely, C. Nathan Kautt}
Caleb Nathaniel
P.S. Abby suggested I post this in several posts. So, I will divide it up by the days that we were there; August 11, August 12, August 13, and August 14.
(Monday, August 11, 2008)
The morning was a warm and sticky one, a little humid, and overcast. It was the morning Dad, Johanna, Jaden, Grandmother Kautt, and I were to leave for Arkansas. I had hoped that the morning would be a sunny one, but I soon remembered to thank God for the possibility of rain. We hadn't received much for nearly six weeks, and would be grateful for any we might receive.
After quickly making my bed, I hastened to get dressed and cleaned up for the morning. Once this task was completed, I sat down for a few minutes of quiet time reading God's Word, before I began what was to be a very busy day.
We had planned for Grandmother Kautt to come with us, and as planned Grandfather and Grandmother Kautt (We like to call them Grandpa and Grandma) arrived soon after each of us had finished our breakfast. Of course Grandma had some luggage to be packed into our Chrysler. Surprisingly, our trunk was only a little over half full, which is unusual for us! But why am I surprised with only 5 people going for a 3 day trip? (I am used to trips that consist of 8 people, for usually 3-5 days if not longer.)
After we had visited for several minutes, we said goodbye to Grandpa, Mom, Joel, Abby, and Phoebe. I must admit, it was hard to go without them. Normally, we would all be travelling together, but with Mom's current health problems, it would not be possible. So I had to remind myself that, LORD willing, we would all be able to make such a trip together, in the near future.
As all of our Homeschooling friends and those of you who have come from large families know, we had to make several "pit-stops," for food, fuel, or otherwise. I won't go into the details on where we stopped, how long we were there, or what time we were there, etc.! :)
Once we arrived in Weiner, Arkansas (For all of you geography buffs, Wiener is located in northeast Arkansas, about 30 minutes South of Jonesboro.), we went to our great-grandmother's house. Boy were we ever ready to get out of the car! We had been in the car for nearly nine hours, and we were all getting a little stiff, to say the least. Jaden was especially ready to get out of the car and run around. You did a great job, Jaden, of not whining or complaining on the trip! Thanks, Grandma, for helping make the trip enjoyable with all of your funny stories, and games to pass the time! See, we don't need a TV screen in our car! Just come up with simple little games to pass the time! One of our favorite "travel games" is the "alphabet game." In this game, each person tries to find all the letters in the alphabet on road signs, advertising signs, and store signs, and whoever finds all of the letters first wins. Another one we like to play is one which involves counting a certain item. Together we will try to count how many yellow cars we can find in a minute, or, if we are in the country, how many cows or horses. Or if we are in Arkansas, how many soybean fields or rice fields. At one point, we almost started counting mosquitoes, too! With all the water that rice fields and soy bean fields require, there are lots of mosquitoes to go along with them! We joked with our Arkansas relatives that they grow three things in Arkansas; Soybeans, rice, and mosquitoes! But, apart from the mosquitoes, we had a good trip.
Another thing to count: One of Many, many grain silos used to store Soybeans, and Rice, and maybe...?
Back to Monday evening, though. When we arrived at Grandma "Night-night"'s house, we found out that she had lost her keys to her car and house. Uh oh, we thought. We had planned to go to Uncle Paul's house in Jonesboro at 7:00 pm, so we had to leave Weiner at 6:30 or so. Well, as sometimes happens with treasure hunts, we were delayed a little with the "great Key Search." Sadly, we didn't find them Monday night, or even the rest of the week. But, thank God, Grandma "Night-night" has some kind friends who loaned us a pad-lock set for her front door. Still, she wasn't able to drive her car. So we all loaded up in our Chrysler and headed up to Jonesboro. Thankfully the Chrysler has an air conditioner that works well, otherwise we would have all been very, very warm, to say the least! About this time we began counting ...... what did we count? Road signs? No. Red pickup trucks? No. You guessed it! We started counting (and slapping I might add!)....mosquitoes! Those Texas-sized mosquitoes that must have migrated northeast! We had an interesting drive the first few minutes from great-grandmother's to Jonesboro! Once we were out on the highway and travelling about 55 miles per hour, Dad rolled down the windows and ...schuuuuuwww...out went all the mosquitoes, right? Hardly (Alright. So maybe a few flew out). The wind only made the mosquitoes stick to the headliner in the car! Not to mention all the dear ladies in the car whose hair was now a mess. Sorry ladies, we'll try n0t to do that again. Sunset at Grandma McKnight's House
Upon arriving at Uncle Paul's house, we received a warm welcome from our relatives whom we had not seen in over three years. We enjoyed a good dinner, and, most of all, enjoyed visiting with each other (For us younger folks, it took a little warming up, right Jaden?). We even watched a little of the Beijing Olympics, although we weren't really listening to what the commentator was saying because, after all, we were the commentators! Right, Barry?
More to come, Lord willing!
-Caleb Nathan Kautt
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
C4L - Rally for the Republic!!
Tuesday’s Rally for the Republic schedule:
11:30 - Doors open
12:30 - Intro: Tucker Carlson
12:40 - National Anthem: Matt Colvin
12:50 - Invocation: Barb Davis White
12:55 - Howard Phillips
1:10 - Doug Wead
1:30 - Tom Woods
1:50 - Grover Norquist
2:10 - Lew Rockwell
2:30 - Bill
:50 - Special Guest
3:10 - Bruce Fein
3:35 - Gov. Jesse Ventura
4:05 - John Tate, Campaign for Liberty Presentation
4:25 - Gov. Gary Johnson
5:00 - Aimee Allen
6:00 - Break
7:00 - Intro: Barry Goldwater
7:05 - Ron Paul
8:05 - Sara Evans
9:30 - End of Program
9:30 - Jimmie Vaughan After Party
If you want to see what events are planned for Monday, head on over to the C4L's site.Monday, August 25, 2008
The Chief End of Man~
Shorter Catechism (Westminster)
Q: What is the chief end of man?
A: To glorify God – 1 Cor. 10:31 - "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
Col. 3:17 - "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
1 Peter 4:11 - "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles (utterances) of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
Zechariah 14:21 - "Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be [engraved] HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD OF HOSTS."
2 Cor. 4:1-7 - "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…"
2 Tim. 2:20-21 - "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wool, and of earth; some to honor, and some to dishonor: if a man therefor purge (cleanse) himself from these (see verses 16, 19), he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified (set apart) and meet (fit, useful) for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work."
Rev. 4:11 - "Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for Thou has created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created."
Psalms 73:25-26 - "Whom have I in heaven by Thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength (rock) of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalms 16:5-6 - "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; thou maintainest (upholds) my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage (inheritance)."
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Beautiful art work done by Mother
Enjoy Mom's beautiful talent!
For America's Patriot: Ron Paul - Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Dr. Paul! Thank you for being the champion of Liberty, Peace, Freedom & the Constitution! Our family has learned SO much these past several months since we first became acquainted with you and your campaign. It was amazing to watch you over the course of your months on the road, spreading the good news about Freedom, Prosperity & Peace!
Many happy returns on this your special day and may the Lord bless you with many, many more years of healthy, happy living!
1:1 "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3
God bless you Ron & Carol always! You two are in our thoughts and prayers!
With admiration, with love,
David, Julia, Joel, Abby, Caleb, Phoebe, Johanna & Jaden Kautt - Texas, USA
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Arkansas trip #1
We left at 10:53 A.M. Monday August 11, 2008. I counted out-of-state license plates (this was in Texas: New York – Virginia. Arkansas: North Carolina - Mexico ). To say the least, it was fun. I saw vehicles from: New York, California, Tennessee, Minnesota, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Arizona, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Illinois, Florida, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana, Ontario Canada, Nebraska, Texas (not ours’! :D), Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, New Mexico, Mexico. 27 out-of-state license plates on vehicles!!!
We ate lunch (Wendy’s food), in the car.
Later we arrived at Great-grandma McKnight’s house in Wiener, Arkansas. Picked up Great-grandma, her friend, and Grandma Kautt (Dad’s Mom) and went to Grandma Kautt’s brother, Paul McKnight’s house. We had dinner there. Here is all who were there: Great-grandma, one of Great-grandma’s friends, Grandma, Uncle Paul and Aunt Loretta, Cousin Peyton and cousin Terri Lynn Tyner, Gracie (18), Audrey (16?) and Chloe (8) Tyner, Cousin Barry and cousin Paula Riggs, Zachary (12?) and Madison (6) Riggs, Dad, Caleb, Jaden and I. Afterward, we took Great-grandma, Great-grandma’s friend and Grandma to Great-grandma’s house. Then, Dad, Caleb, Jaden and I went to the hotel at which we were to stay. We were all covered in mosquito bites, and Caleb made up a joke: “Three things the farmers in Arkansas grow are: Soybeans, Rice, and MOSQUITOES!”
I was almost frozen in the bed, ‘cause Caleb turned the AC WAY too low. There were only two thin blankets to lay under!!! I woke up several times, during the night, thinking: “Where’s Phoebe?” Phoebe and I sleep together at home.
The next morning, we had a breakfast (at the hotel) of: puffed millet (for cereal), soy milk, oranges, apples, grapes, and oats. Yummy!!! Phoebe called Dad and Dad told me, after Phoebe was done talking to Dad, that “Hymns for Kith and Kin” had arrived at our house. :-)
We then went to Great-grandma’s house and helped her clean up her house. Caleb cleaned the counters and cabinets with Grandma and I did the dishes, after eating a meal of: noodles, wild duck, corn, and I don’t remember what else.
After cleaning a bit more, we left with Great-grandma, Grandma, and Great-grandma’s friend to a restaurant called “ Western Sizzlin’ ”. Uncle Bobby Joe (Great-grandma’s brother) and Aunt Macine McKnight were there, and Uncle Paul and Aunt Loretta McKnight, Barry and Paula Riggs, Zachary and Madison Riggs, Peyton and Terri Lynn Tyner, Gracie, Audrey, and Chloe Tyner, Great-grandma, Great-grandma’s friend, Grandma, Dad, Caleb, Jaden and I. After eating, all of us (except Uncle Bobby Joe and Aunt Macine), went to Payton and Terri Lynn Tyner’s house. I held/carried Madison around a bunch. She’s my buddy! :-) After that, we took Great-grandma, Great-grandma’s friend, and Grandma to Great-grandma’s house. Then, we went to the hotel and slept.
On the 13, we ate the same breakfast and Phoebe called. I talked to her for about 10 or 15 minutes. She said that the night before, Joel, Abby, and herself had apple crisp, ice cream, and fruit salad! :-) Also, she and Abby watched “Gods and Generals”.
For lunch we all went to ‘Ryan’s Steak House’. Some of Grandma’s high school friends were there. So, basically, it was Grandma’s high school reunion! At this restaurant, on one of the doors, there was a sign that said: “Stop! Alarm will go off if you open this door.” Then in Spanish, for ‘stop’ it said: “!Alto!” So, I learned a Spanish word that day. I was thinking, later on, that if we passed some Mexicans, and we were talking about singing Alto, they might think we were saying, “Stop”, in Spanish! ;-) Then we went to see our Great-great Aunt Dorthy (Great-grandma and Uncle Bobby Joe’s sister). We stated for about an hour, talking, looking at pictures, and Caleb, Jaden and I walked through the gardens. She lives in a assisted living type place, but it’s still beautiful.
Later, on our way to Uncle Paul’s (so we could follow him to Barry and Paula Riggs’ house), we were right next to a black mini-van (on the high way). I happened to look over, and there was a man, in plain clothing (overalls), beard, hat. I wondered if he was Mennonite. Sure enough, when I looked over at the woman next to him, she had on a head-covering, like the Mennonite women wear, and plain clothing. When they passed us, I could see quite a few children in the back. It was a quick glance, but it was a rare one! :-) They passed us and an eight-teen wheeler, and soon were out of sight, but I won’t forget that sight!
We passed a antique mall and Great-grandma said: “There’s an antique mall! I’m an antique, too!” She always is trying to make us laugh……that’s why she’s lived so long, she’s 93!
Barry and Paula Riggs live out in the country. We all had fun there. Caleb and I went paddle boating, which I love to go paddle boating! :-) We also jumped on the trampoline, played in the basement (ping-pong, air hockey). Madison was not there, because she went with here Dad’s brother’s family to the lake. :-(
Found out Gracie Tyner likes the name “Phoebe Lynn”. :-)
On the 14, we were finally going home. I kept seeing cars from Missouri :-) and Tennessee :-) (Smiles for both states is because: I have a pen pal who lives in Missouri, Rebecca Serven, and another pen pal and friend who lives in Tennessee, Camille Wolaver).
I hope you enjoy reading this ‘journal’ of our trip to Arkansas!
Johanna ‘Jo’
Monday, August 18, 2008
Carol Paul update
Of course, keep her husband, Ron and all of her children and grandchildren in your thoughts and prayers.
Update: Carol Paul is doing well! She had her breathing tube removed, and it looks like she will soon be moved from the CCU into a rehab center. Thank you Lord for your healing power!
The squirrel~
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Air Conditioning Adventures~
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Pray for Carol Paul
Thank you for your prayers! Keep her husband and children their families in your prayers.
May the Lord guide & direct the surgeons as they perform surgery on Carol, may their hands be skillful and may the Lord's will be done with regards to a full recovery. Amen.
Update - Carol's surgery last night was successful and the doctors are considering removing her breathing tube soon. Continue to keep your prayers lifting to the Father of all healing, for her complete recovery!
Fall Cleaning Adventures~
There off!
The main reason for this trip, was to visit with our Great-grandma, Una Mae who is 93, and not in the best of health. She has declined lately, and so Dad thought that a short trip up would be a good thing. We all agreed with him! :)
Hopefully, those of us who staid here will accompany Grandpa & Grandma as they go up for Labor Day weekend later this month. We are looking forward to the beauty of that region of the country.
Praise the Lord for their safe travel and for the time they are enjoying getting to visit with relatives they've not seen in a while! I am so excited that Dad especially is taking a short break before church duties kick-in to full gear this fall.
I hope to post some more this week, but if not, please excuse the absence, I am ever so busy with a multitude of household related tasks.
On another note, we got close to 2 inches of rain yesterday afternoon & evening! It was such a blessing from Providence, because everything here has been baking in 100+ degree weather for the last 2 and a half weeks. Phoebe & I danced in the rain for a little bit; it felt so refreshing!
Blessings to all of our readers!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Quotable Quotes!
August 2, 2008
Jaden told me he made his bed & I commended him. "When I fill my chart (chore chart), guess how much money Caleb will give me?" "A quarter?" "No. Four quarters, in paper form." :) "With a one on it, right?" I asked. He grinned.
"So what else is on your chart besides making you bed?" I questioned. "Mmmm. Taking out the trash. (He helps Caleb) There's a spot on there for washing my armpits." (It's a cartoon picture.) He smiled wryly. "But I don't need to do that. Here, sniff." And he held up his arm & opened the sleeve.
I declined
He went on, "Of course, if you don't smell anything, it might not be that it doesn't stink, but that you...ummm...your smell buds don't work." :)
August 6, 2008
I had some dishes I needed to haven taken from my bedroom to the kitchen. I called Jaden, from the next room, to come get them. He appeared. But I wasn't about to ask him to do the job; his whole backside was wet, & his legs were spattered with muddy water. He had been playing with his "hot wheels" track & cars on the driveway, in a puddle.
I told him I'd get someone else to carry off the dishes.
He said, "If I was clean, I'd do it!" The he cheerfully added, "and I wouldn't charge you a penny!" (I said, "That's especially nice, since I'm your Mother!")
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jaden is so funny sometimes, and yet, he can be so serious. He is also very smart, sometimes too smart! Jaden, I love you, we love you buddy!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Random pictures
Ja & Jo
Truly awesome "sky-works"! Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork."
Monday, August 4, 2008
Learning to Work Together
Written: 11/3/05
Learning to Work Together
Phoebe Kautt (age 10)
Once upon a time, there lived a bat in a beautifully colored tree beside a river, which was called, by all that lived in the city, Li. The bat was a wise little bat. There also, in that same tree, lived a nightingale. The nightingale was prideful, because she had a beautiful voice. The nightingale had such a beautiful voice that the Emperor and all his royal court would come every night to listen to the beautiful voice. While she would be singing, the bat, without being seen by the Emperor and his court, would gulp up the mosquitoes. One night the nightingale asked, "Are not you ashamed of yourself, swooping about, consuming mosquitoes, not even singing just one note? What kind of life do you live?" The bat did not answer, for he caught sight of a mosquito flying about. He swiftly swooped and caught the mosquito and gobbled it down. Then he replied, "It is a very, very important life I live." Once he answered he was off again catching another mosquito, and into the thickening dusk. "You call that an important life!" Screeched the nightingale. "Just look at my life. I sing for the Emperor and all his royal court." She preened her feathers proudly and then exclaimed again, "What is catching mosquitoes to that?" The bat flew by once again chasing another mosquito, but as he flew past intoned, "If it were not for me the Emperor and all his court would never come to the river bank." "What nonsense!" Cried the nightingale, "He does not come here because of you, but he comes to give heed to my singing."
The bat did not reply, but smiled to himself. Then the very next night, a very warm and sticky night filled with mosquitoes, the bat did not go out chasing mosquitoes, but instead sat in the beautifully colored tree listening to the nightingale sing. It was so beautiful, so magnificent, gorgeous, it made the bat sad. But right at the most gorgeous part the swarms of mosquitoes were biting the Emperor and his royal court, so they started getting restless and shifting from one foot to another. The Emperor finally fled for the palace because of those biting insects. They were tripping over their royal robes as they slapped mosquitoes and jogged away. Only the bat stayed to hear the nightingale’s magnificent performance.
The nightingale sprawled quietly in the beautiful tree; just then she recognized the importance of the bat’s job. From then on they both worked together in harmony. The Emperor and his royal court came back, because the bat and the nightingale both worked together in harmony. The bat and the nightingale both have important jobs that they need to stick with. So the moral of the story is simply that the two cannot work without each other.
Friday, August 1, 2008
27 years~

This picture was taken by Mom's Dad, Ron shortly after they were married. Don't they look smashing!?

Through the years of married life, they have added to their family. Joel is the eldest of their offspring, he just celebrated his 22nd birthday. Abby followed a couple of years later, I'm now 18. Caleb was born two years later and he's now 16.
