Friday, June 3, 2011

Third Annual Memorial Day Blast

On May 30th, our family had a blast with a whole bunch of friends and family. We visited, ate, and played sports like: soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, baseball, kickball. It was a great time! We were glad that so many (like 80 something people) could make it and join in all the fun!  Here, here, and here are photos from the past two years. 

Hot-dog cooker

Ultimate Frisbee with just the guys

"Speed" volleyball


The on-lookers

"Get it, Jaden-bug!"

Mr. Y. and Mrs. S. visit

Goofiness-- Caleb, Isaac D., cousin Stefon, Andrew. D. and Joel

A sun burnt Abby...

...And a sun burnt Johanna (does this look like a mug-shot? It hurt to smile *sheepish grins*)


Allison said...

Ohhhh, what fun! I hope your burns are better now. I'm tanned more on my nose than on the rest of my face, which looks pretty funny.

Can't wait till next year... =)

The Kautts said...

Dear Allison,

Agreed! :) My burns only hurt for about one day, thankfully! I am quite tanned on my arms now, though.

I know, we can't wait till next year either. Jaden went a bit overboard-- "I wish this could be a century long!" ;P


P.S. If you can pass some more photos along of *the* day, that'd be great. You can email them to me! :)

Libby said...

Hi! This Is Libbi H.! You won a Header, Signature, and Blog button design by me :) Email me at
libbilogs{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get those started!

The Kautts said...

Hello Libbi,

Thanks! I shall email you right away!
