Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lots and Lots of Photos!

We have been borrowing a friend's camera (we have one, but this ones better!), and have taken lots of photos lately.  So, here are just some of the ones we've taken.  These also give you a glimpse into our lives of late.  :)  Enjoy! 

Jo laughs

Johanna took Jaden out in the backyard a couple days ago, and did an impromptu photo shoot with him.  He's so cute!!!  (Oh, wait, he's growing up, so I better call him handsome now!) 


Run, Jaden, Run!!!

The two youngest of the Kautt siblings.  :)

Johanna has a really good eye for photography, especially the neat angles and such.  She took this photo of the tree in the back yard. 

Another one of Jo's photos.

Joel's mud boot sit quietly on the front porch in the late afternoon sun.  Doesn't this photo feel so warm?

My Bible study note book.  Yes, I drew the design on the front. :)

Aaaaand, my Bible!

 I was having my quiet time one morning, and saw this neat picture in my mind.  The candle with the sun shining on it, causing a shadow to be cast on the window fame. 

Yes, that's my hand working out Algebra problems.  :)

Doing home work

Another one of Jo's intriguing camera angles.

Winter is upon us.  Dead leaves and such.  But, not much longer, and Spring will be here! 

Jaden likes making this face.  It's his very cheesy face.  ;)

One of our favorite past-times is playing cards games, especially Nertz, together as siblings. 

My deck of cards - nice and crispy.

The Nertz deck laid out. 

And, Jo, Jaden  and I play a Bible challenge game. 

This is such a cliche photo, isn't it?

I was trying to capture the moon through the trees a couple nights ago.  My hand wouldn't hold steady enough. 

My little seedlings are growing.  Our room is on the South West corner of the house, so our windows are a perfect spot to place the little plants.

The seedling just pushed through the surface. 

Tomatoes seedlings
Yesterday, we girls went to a friend's tiny apartment, and had a girl's Bible study with her and her two kiddos, and another friend.  It was lots of fun, and encouraging, uplifting and enlightening, too. But, it was way too short, as always!

The tiny living room

Little Lizzy G.  She so cute!!
After our little Bible study, Johanna wanted to take some photos of Abby and me.  So, we kindly obliged her.  It was cloudy out, so it actually was the perfect lighting. 

Best friends!

Johanna just loved our hair yesterday.  :)

On the way home, I snapped this photo of some vines on the power lines. 
I also captured this photo on the way home.  I like the cool, grey tint of the photo. 
This morning, Jaden got his hair cut.  To say the least, it was definitely time for a trim!  It was starting to look shaggy, so Abby shaped it up, and he looks sharp now.   He did very well, sitting still throughout the entire cut; music in the background helped him.  :)

Checkin' it out. 

The bathroom lighting captivated me.  :)
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!! 

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