Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Photos From Tyler Trip

 As Johanna said in the last post, our family went out to Tyler to visit our family, and to attend our Poppy's retirement party.  Aunt Jill road along with us in our old brown '82 suburban, and we had fun together in the car, as well as out in Tyler.  We left our house around 11:15am, and sped right along out to Tyler, without any stops.  We got there around 1:30pm... 'just in the nick of time'.  Mom, Aunt Jill & Abby worked all the way out there on organizing the clues, etc., for the scavenger hunt.  As we were driving into Tyler, Aunt Jen (Mom's other sister) called us, and said that they were having to occupy Poppy (by driving him around Tyler, in the bus), because the Teacher's Appreciation luncheon got out earlier than expected.  So we hurried up, and got the clues to each person.  And just as Poppy, Grams, Aunt Jen, Uncle Charles & Taylor were walking up, the two cars carrying the clue people were driving away.  Talk about timing!

So we started the scavenger hunt at the school from which Poppy is retiring.  He really didn't have any clue as to what was going to happen that day (sorry for the pun).  I hope he had as much fun as we did during the scavenger hunt.  We drove around Tyler, picking up the people with the clues, totaling to around 12 stops.  Then Poppy, Grams, Aunt Jen, Johanna, Lexi, Bayle and I were all dropped off at Aunt Jen & Uncle Charles' house to change clothing.  Poppy was still clueless, and just thought he was going to finally have a chance to have some rest!  But he had something much more coming.

We all changed, and then drove over to Villa Montez, and very nice restaurant, and had a very delicious dinner.  Everyone had either: a Shrimp dish, a Chicken dish or a Steak dish, which were all scrumptious, as reported (I had the chicken). 

At this point, I think Poppy thought that that was 'the big thing' that all that afternoon had been leading up to.  But again, he was clueless.  As he exited the restaurant, a '57 Chevrolet car was waiting to transport him back over to the school.  He was pleasantly surprised, and had a fun time riding in it.

As he entered the door of the school, leading toward the location of the reception, he saw one of his former employers (if I remember correctly), and immediately knew 'something was up'.  Then he walked into the reception hall, and was greeted with the shout, "Happy Retirement!"  He was once again surprised and stunned, and even speechless, which doesn't happen very often with Poppy.  Now, he had finally reach 'the big thing' and had a good time visiting with old friends from time past.

After that, he was exhausted I'm sure... But that didn't keep him from staying up until past 1am visiting with his son, Uncle Jay. =)

Many thanks goes to Aunt Jen, Mom, Aunt Peggy, Aunt Kathrine and many others for making it all come together for a memorable day!  I'm so glad to be able to call Ron Russell my 'Poppy'.  He is such a good example of a godly man, and a hard-working one at that!  Love you, Poppy!

Joel relaxes after a hectic day on Friday.
Johanna holds our absolutely cute cousin, Emma-Grace =)
Abby enjoys Emma-Grace, as well

Our other absolutely-cute cousin, Zak. =)

The table of cousins

More visiting

Grams visits with long-time friends
Mom had the chance to talk with some new acquaintances, Clint & Esther
Abby captured this lizard beautifully

Grams played Chinese-checkers with Jaden & Caleb

We had many good conversations with our Uncle Abe, a new Christian.  He's such an encouragement to us.
Mom and Poppy had a good chance to visit with each other.  I'm sure they had some good conversations, as well. =)
Zak is learning how to color.  He's getting pretty good at it!

I had so much fun playing with our youngest cousin, Emma-Grace.  She's such a sweetie-pie, as Mom would say.

Jaden draws with Zak. 

This is one baby who actually likes me!  I love it!

She looks so much like her brother. =)
Johanna gives Emma-Grace some love.
A very rare occasion, Emma-Grace allows Joel to hold her for a few seconds.  Poor Joel.
"Hey.  Look who I've got!"

Our dear Uncle Abe
Mom chats with Uncle Charles.  He is such a interesting guy to talk with and listen to. 

Grams, Aunt Jill, Abby & I so much fun singing while Caleb played the piano.
I just couldn't get away from playing the guitar...
We had such a good time, and were able to relax a lot on Saturday, something we don't normally do very often.  Plus we got to see our family that we hadn't seen in a while.  Fun times...  

I also remember the seriousness of the times, reminded of by the "Judgment Day" predictions for May 21. While they turned out to be phony & false, it is a good reminder that Jesus will return one day, and it could be soon.  One certainty is this, that you will die one day and will meet Him, if He doesn't return before then.  Let's remember this as we talk to people out in the lost and dying world.

"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words."  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Monday, May 23, 2011

Recent Happenings - Friends, Cute Houses and a Retirement Party

New friends: Paul and Melissa D.

A cottage-style house. Don't you just love it?! :)

Another cottage-style house

A beautiful mural in downtown Rockwall
On the 21st, my family and I went to Tyler to visit family. But it was mainly because Mom's Dad (Grandpa "Poppy" Russell) is retiring from his job at a Christian highschool. In this photo, we are about to start on the scavenger hunt that Mom made about Poppy's work history.

First clues

Decorations in the bus we took for the scavenger hunt. This sign says, "Senior moment in progress". Ha! :)

Poppy-- the thinker

First person to be picked up with a clue-- Uncle Abe

One of the other stops was Andy's Frozen Custard parlor

Cousin Nick with another clue

Mom-- with yet another clue

Atwoods was also one of the stops in the scavenger hunt. We picked up Aunt Jill and Jaden there, along with...

...this little chickie :)

Cousins Lexi and Bayle were at another stop with Joel

A clue

Lexi reads a clue aloud to Poppy

Cousin Taylor was picked up at the truck-stop

And Mr. Mike C. was picked up at Brookshire's

At Brookshire's we had to get out of the bus to find the next clue and person...

...and this is who and what we found

Next clue

Great Aunt Peggy also had a clue for us to pick up

As did Aunt Jennifer. Her signs says, "Retired. Will work for food." Ha!

Phoebe, capturing Poppy's reaction when we arrived at the fancy restaurant-- the Villa Montez (pronounced Via Mon-tez).

Going into the Villa Montez



The chicken dish

The shrimp dish, which Abby and I had, was SO good! :)

The beef dish

Mom's special dish with guacamole and all

The surprise ride to the last of the day


This was the last of the day (the 20th). A surprise party! :)

The food line

Great Aunt Catherine (Poppy's younger sister) made this cake for "Bubby" (a.k.a Poppy, Gramps, Grandpa Russell).



Cute Logan and his Mom

Mr. Mike Duggar and Phoebe talking. Mr. Duggar is Jim-Bob Duggar's Uncle.

Jaden enjoys playing with the baby chick. Poppy let him keep the chick and we have been having fun taking care of it. We had a GREAT and hectic trip -- wait? Can you have both?!.