Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jo's 13th Birthday

Miss Johanna

Day-before-birthday meal =)

Birthday ice-cream sandwich, with candles.  (We didn't leave them on there long!)

Jo blows out the candles

Eating her ice-cream sandwich

Jo with her gifts

One of Johanna's gifts: fancy white gloves

Her day-of-the-birthday meal =)

Italian Parsley


Abby said...

Happy Birthday Johanna! (Sorry I'm late. :) ) Are you going to wear your gloves to the party? I think I'm going to wear mine!
Abby Y.

The Kautts said...

Dear Abby,

Thank you for the Birthday wishes! :) It doesn't matter they are late. After all, we ARE stretching out the celebration of my Birthday over several days, right?

Yes, I am going to be wearing the gloves to the party. That is why I bought them (Caleb gave me money for them). I got them at a really neat antique "mall" in downtown McKinney.

I can't wait to see you!


SRLoomis said...

Dear Jo,

A blessed happy birthday to you! Wow. You are thirteen years old already. God is blessing you and growing you into a lovely young lady. We rejoice at God's work in you!

Steven and Rebecca Loomis

The Kautts said...

Dear Steven and Rebecca,

Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. Turning thirteen IS a 'wow moment' for me!

I really had a great Birthday and we are spreading out the celebrations with a Birthday party and all. :) Phoebe and I are decorating for it today.

God has been blessing me with so many things!

Thank you for commenting!


Johanna said...

Happy Birthday Johanna! :-)

The Kautts said...

Dear Johanna,

Thank you! Could we skype chat sometime soon? I can't really until Monday.

~(the other)Johanna