Friday, May 7, 2010


Her blues eyes see through me to what is in my heart. She knows just what to say or do to make life better for her children she loves so dearly. Her skillful hands caress her hot forehead as she lies sick in bed. The gentle voice sings softly as her babe drifts to rest in another land, with the remembrance of his mother's song. She carefully places the dish upon the table, the steaming aroma awakens in me memories of years past, wonderful meals full of health. Behind the scenes, she encourages us as we pursue our dreams, strike out on our own, begin our families, get jobs, build futures, and create a generational picture that makes God smile.

Mother - that one word melts our hearts, brings tears to our eyes, causes us to sigh after something lost, or bow our heads in reverent pause.

God has given us just what we need. A nurturer, nurse, cook, homemaker, artist, musician, law maker, chef, fashion designer, chauffeur, encourager. And these words are ill to best describe what she does best - Mother us.

Today I am thankful for one woman in my life who has been such an example to of love, Christ, woman, friend, wife, mommy. God gave her life half a century ago, and today she is my Mom.

Happy Mother's Day Mums! I Love you!

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