Monday, August 24, 2009

The School Room Responsibility Act of 2009

Caleb is working through "Blessed is the Man" (a 2 - 3 year workbook for young men), and one of the assignments was to write a bill. So he wrote this "bill" (a little humorously), and got it passed into law (actually it was already law!). He had fun writing it, and it's a good reminder to keep the schoolroom clean and organized! You'll get a good laugh out of reading it! :)

[Scanned] picture number 1

[Scanned] picture number 2.


Anonymous said...

Nice :)
But does it create any new gov't agencies or unfunded mandates? Oh, sorry, I thought it was about MODERN law :)


The Kautts said...

Dear Steven,

No, it does not create any new gov't agencies! Actually, I was just putting one of Dad and Mom's already established rules into a creative way.

By the way, normally my penmanship is not that sloppy. I wrote this with a old-style fountain pen.

Caleb Kautt