Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Pictures...finally

Note: these pictures are not in the correct order. If you read from the bottom up, then it will be in the correct order.

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving:

We enjoyed supper with our cousin Reece.

After more than 6 months, Jaden wasn't shy with Reece (Surprise!) :)

Visitin' with Reece

Thanksgiving meal: lunch. At lunch we did what we always do on Thanksgiving: give thanks to Almighty God for His many blessings! We go around the table, and everyone gives at least three things (usually more than that, though!) they're thankful for. I think it is a good tradition.

Yes... Joel does know how to cook (actually, he's pretty good!) :)

The table all nicely decorated (Thank you, Abby!)

Italian Vegetable Casserole

Preparing Italian Vegetable Casserole. Italian Vegetable Casserole is a super-duper dish! It's vegetarian & it is yummy! It is one of my favorite dishes! If you'd like the recipe, feel free to ask!

Working in the kitchen. Joel, Abby, Johanna & I were in the kitchen from 8:00am till 4:00pm. Sometimes I wonder: It takes hours & hours to prepare the food, then it gets gobbled up in 10 minutes! Is it worth it?! Anyway, I think it was worth it.
Hope all of you blog-readers had a great Thanksgiving!
~ Phoebe


Anonymous said...

Phoebe, great documentation of your family's Thanksgiving! I would be interested in the recipe for Italian Vegetable Casserole, if you have time to e-mail it. It looks very tasty!

The Kautts said...

Thank you for the compliments!

Italian Vegetable Casserole is very tasty indeed! It is a big "hit" amoung our family, although we don't really make it that often.

The Kautts said...

I forgot, I'd be glad to send you the recipe.

Thank you for asking!
