Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Where have we been?

We have been exceedingly busy this week (I know it's only Wednesday). Saturday & Sunday always take it out of us. We had a pretty normal Sunday, with church and all. Saturday we spent the day shopping for groceries and whatnot, go home to clean the house and prepare for Sunday's activities.

We have two upcoming posts that need to be published soon. One is about the recent fossil dig that the crew went on, but since I didn't make it I can't really tell you what went on. It will have lots of photos and so keep on the look-out for that one. I'll try and prompt some folks into writing it soon. :)

Joel will hopefully have a post up about our recent excursions with the Creation conferences we've been apart of. He's at work today and will be busy through the weekend, but maybe he'll post on Sunday afternoon.

On Friday last, our long lost cousin Reece (21) came for a visit, and stayed for several hours! It was wonderful to see him and talk and laugh. We always have such in depth conversations that run the gamut of topics. We had an interesting conversation about modesty and how guys react when they see immodestly dressed young ladies. He also told us about his recent trip to Colorado, and how that went. Too bad he didn't take any pictures, but he was there for a discipleship conference. Reece is busy with school and his work as an electrician, so we don't see him as much as we used to before he got so busy. The rest of his family (Mom & 4 younger brothers), are regular visitors here. We love you guys! And I have to say guys because there are 5 young men in that family.

It got cold yesterday. The high for today is... in the 50s (as I write this its 46 degrees, cold to us Texans!). Last night Phoebe & I covered the plants that are still growing in our experimental garden. We also had to bring in all of our patio flowers, and covered the raspberry bush that is so huge! The faucets were wrapped and covered to the best of our ability. I'm not the most handy type person, but I've learned from trial n' error. Joel & Caleb were down in Dallas all day, trimming trees at Grandpa & Grandma's. They also attended MIOS (Metroplex Institute of Origins Science) meeting and saw our homeschooling friends the McKnight family! Hi McKnight family! I'll let Joel or Caleb fill you (our dearest readers) in with all the details.

I need to clean the house, and do tons of school work. I posted because it had been several days since we'd done anything up here (sorry Camille).

Have a lovely day everyone!

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